Gyanarth Diaries (Phase 1)

Read all the pdf's in detail and suggest which concepts shall I begin exploring?
After reviewing the details from your series of PDF documents on "Lifeconomics," here are some key concepts that you could explore further in your content creation across YouTube, podcasts, audiobooks, and…

The path was longer than we thought...
I am planning to make presentations and videos to elaborate and explain my concepts through audio visual means. I want to use YouTube as medium to communicate my concepts and imagination. I think this world I live I'm is nothing but…

The story of ज्ञानाकर्षण begins... and here's how the first Video Essay was composed.
The premise for your second episode of "Everyday Philosophy" is quite compelling! Focusing on the concept of the "present" as the central point of inquiry in philosophy is a profound and relatable topic…

A Series of Video Essays with Gyanarth Shastri

This poem presents a poignant reflection on life and democracy through a series of rhetorical questions and observations that highlight the contradictions and challenges of human existence. It uses vivid metaphors, like life being compared to a book, a battlefield, or a street dog's existence, to explore themes of survival, destiny, and the search for meaning.

मेरा नाम सुकान्त कुमार है। मेरा जन्म बिहार के भागलपुर ज़िले में हुआ। जन्म से मुझे भारत की नागरिकता प्राप्त है, क्योंकि मेरे माता-पिता दोनों ही भारत के मूल नागरिकों की श्रेणी में आते हैं। पेशे से दोनों हिन्दी भाषा को पढ़ते-पढ़ाते आये हैं। पिताजी तिलकामाँझी भागलपुर विश्वविद्यालय के हिन्दी विघाग में विभागाध्यक्ष की भूमिका से हाल ही में सेवा-निवृत हुए। मेरी माँ शहर के प्रतिष्ठित निजी विद्यालय में हिन्दी की एक वरिष्ठ शिक्षिका रही हैं। अपनी-अपनी कर्मभूमि में मैंने उन्हें पूरी निष्ठा और ईमानदारी से कार्यरत पाया है। अपने साहित्य में मैंने विस्तार से अपना परिचय दिया है। विवरण में उन किताबों का ज़िक्

The book "इहलोकतंत्र-2" holds significant social relevance in several key aspects, particularly in its exploration of democracy, governance, and individual rights within the modern socio-political context. Here are some ways in which this book is socially relevant:

A knowledge economy is an economic system in which the production of goods and services is based primarily on knowledge-intensive activities. This type of economy places great importance on intellectual capabilities rather than physical inputs or natural resources. In a knowledge economy, a significant portion of economic growth and employment comes from information technology, research and development, consultation, education, and other knowledge-based services.

With reason comes the power of judgement. In judgement lies the freedom of will. Freedom of will leads to doubt. Doubt ascertains existence in the form of thought. The conclusion that Descartes reached to herald the modern philosophical age. The sceptical approach led to further enquiry, which reached its epitome when Sartre condemned us as men to be free. Freedom entrusts responsibility, which binds us to morality.

No identification is as important as self-identification. But to answer the question - “Who am I?”, is not that straightforward. Self is a true treasure, and this journey to self is a real adventure but definitely, it's not the easy one. Most aspirants give up, some catch a glimpse and rare among us attain the status close to that of Buddha.