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Image removed.With all due research and scientific enquiry, it is a fact, a maxim that - “Man is an animal”. Over time, wise men have used this fact to further describe the man as a social or political animal. Among diverse adjectival descriptions attributed to glorify man’s animalistic existence, one particular adjective has gained immense popularity in the philosophical domain. Any guesses? 

If your guess was rational enough, ‘rational’ would have been your choice. After all, we take pride as rational animals. Over a long evolutionary process, this planet stands witness to the Darwinian rule of “survival of the fittest”. Man is not the physically fittest among the other survivors of the race of evolution. An elephant is mighty, the horse is agile, and a lion is fierce. Even a pack of dogs can maul a human baby to outlive it. Yet we survive to rule the planet. 

What claw grants the lion or the swift speed that blesses the deer, is the divine power to survive. The same divinity that lies in us takes the form of reason. With commands of reason, we dare to stand upright against any threat to our survival - be it earthly or heavenly. We tame the winds to power our houses, we watch the stars for navigating to uncertain destinations. But the reason is a formless neutral tool. With reason we prosper, without it, we threaten our survival. Man is the only known creature to consciously forfeit the gift of life. ‘Reason’ is your faithful servant, it serves you what you desire.

Human beings are the most wonderful creatures, because of their ability to wonder. The awe and the expressions makes them what they are. Before anything or anyone I acknowledge humans, then I dare categorise myself among one of them. With immense faith in humanity I express my sincere gratitude to all our ancestors, known or unknown, alive in person or present in eternal memory. Thereafter, I pay my homage to men of wisdom who have led the path so far, carved with their diligence and perseverance. To all those philosophers who inspired me, to all those psychologists who help me understand my being. I also acknowledge those who represent the evil side of humanity, for without them the good would have not prospered so profoundly. 

However, the lion’s share of my acknowledgement and gratitude is reserved for my parents, who never stopped believing in me, from the moment when I was just an idea. To my father for showing the way forward and to my mother for not allowing me to fall backwards. I also acknowledge the patience and cooperation of my wife who endured all my erratic behaviours and unwaveringly stood by my side to support me. I also thank my daughter Amolika, who had been an inspiration for me from the moment she brought me the news of my fatherhood. 


Here and now, I acknowledge you for giving me an opportunity to travel with you on the journey of life. Hope together we have an exciting adventure.Lifeconomics


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