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A Dream to Behold...

6 July, 2024

Acknowledging my failures, I gained a reason to succeed. Knowing my reason of failure, I estimated a probable roadmap to success. With a map of treasure in hand, I traveled far & wide, both in physical space and temporal zones. I reached the precise destination dictated by the map. There were no treasure waiting for me, where ever I went. But, at each destination I found guards guarding their ignorance of the absence of treasure. They sucked pleasure from the payment they received in return for their services they offered.

विश्वास के प्रमाण

शिक्षा की सबसे अहम ज़रूरत हमारी ज़रूरतों के बीच संतुलन क़ायम करने का है। एक अशिक्षित तार्किक प्राणी अपनी ज़रूरतों का नीति-निर्धारण करने में असमर्थ होता है। इसलिए, शिक्षा के माध्यम से सभ्यता स्थापित करने का प्रयास, लोकतंत्र आदिकाल से करता आया है। राजनैतिक पृष्ठभूमि पर लोकतंत्र अभी बच्चा है। अभी तो इसे भी शिक्षा की ज़रूरत है। ताकि वह अपनी ज़रूरतों को समझते हुए, नीति-निर्धारण कर सके। इसके लिए ही हर लोक के बुद्धिजीवी ज़िम्मेदार हैं। हर शिक्षक, प्रशिक्षक और छात्र की यही तो बुनियादी ज़िम्मेदारी है।

Way to riches

Life is a barter with free-will. Even time is a product of our free-will. Under Lifeconomics, we shall try the same in a more practical and economical manner. Here as well as in future, with Learnamics and Expressophy. So, even when you don’t get all the answers here, you can command your reason to fetch it for you.

Existence in Evolution

Body and consciousness would have been sufficient to explain the existence, if they were not limited by death. But death mandates a reasonable explanation for after-life. That’s where the concept of soul steps in, as the master of infinity and eternity, the point where the trinity of knower, known and knowledge fuses in unity.

The Identification Problem

No identification is as important as self-identification. But to answer the question - “Who am I?”, is not that straightforward. Self is a true treasure, and this journey to self is a real adventure but definitely, it's not the easy one. Most aspirants give up, some catch a glimpse and rare among us attain the status close to that of Buddha.

The Existential triad

When we perceive a body in motion independent of external impulses and together when we witness its organic growth over time, we then acknowledge the miracle of life in the form of an idea. The body, the idea of awareness i.e. the consciousness and the autonomous energy as the cause of motion often referred to as the soul - confirms existence. Thus, the body, consciousness and soul constitute the existential triad, the absence of any component of this triad is enough to cast reasonable doubt over existence.

The Essential Triad

The trinity of food, sex and danger is so important that a large part of the brain is devoted to this purpose. In the psychological domain, it is often referred to as the old brain, or reptilian brain as we share this portion with almost all the animal kingdom. Our animalistic instincts cannot afford to miss any opportunity of the possibility of either of these elements of the essential triad. Probably, this is also the reason that the economy of the advertisement industry revolves around it. To sell cosmetics to underwear, we use sex. The food industry is booming due to the sheer essentiality of food. When nothing works, the danger is the perfect recourse, building empires in the insurance sector. The triad never fails to make sales. Most successful commercials use these basic psychological and physiological needs in their favour.

Introduction to Lifeconomics

‘Lifeconomics’, is an attempt to find ways and means to establish microeconomic stability in the modern social scenario where the macroeconomic setup is that of a knowledge economy. The knowledge economy thrives on intellectual capital, which makes education the most profitable investment in current times. In these changing dynamics, our prosperity depends solely on our intellectual skills and productivity. Ignorance is no longer bliss. Information is the new currency, desperately knocking on doors, seeking our attention. In this context, ‘lifeconomics’ intends to be an introspective analysis to ascertain physical, mental and spiritual affluence. So let’s take this opportunity to delve into a study of life and all related dynamics.

एक दार्शनिक समस्या और समाधान

मुक्ति के लिए लोक को हर काल और स्थान पर अपने ज्ञान पर आस्था बनानी पड़ती है। नास्तिकता एक बौद्धिक पंथ है, जो आस्था का ही अनादर करती है। इस कारण पंथ की समस्या बरकरार ही रहती है और रंग में भंग डालने के लिए नास्तिकों का एक अलग पंथ चला आता है। महफ़िल खूब सजती है, सबको मज़ा भी खूब आता है। कब रंगों की होली, खून की होली में बदल जाती है? इतने शोर-शराबे में किसी को पता भी नहीं चलता। जब पता चलता है, तब लोक अपनी भावनात्मक और तार्किक व्यथा व्यक्त करता है। सामाजिक समस्या में मौजूद जो दर्शन है, उसे देखने की कोई कोशिश ही नहीं करता है। इहलोक और इस तंत्र में हम अपने-अपने पद, प्रतिष्ठा और पैसे का मज़े तो ले लेते हैं, पर कभी आनंद किसी को नहीं मिलता। इसलिए, कोई ज्ञान को नहीं पूछता, इहलोक अपनी ही मस्ती की अज्ञानता में मूर्तियों और प्रतीकों के पीछे भागा जा रहा है।


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