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The Philosophical Tragedy

The Philosophical Tragedy

We live in a world ruled by logic, because of the rational nature of our existence. Mind and body combine to create consciousness, not only men but other life forms also show qualities of this duality. But, only rationality divides mind away from body. Take for example any animal has a mind that calculates possibilities of food, sex and danger. Here, mind is not evolved enough to find a distinct identity, so it identifies itself with the needs and demands of the body. In such lifes, “Death” meets all the needs for salvation; because age is not an issue, as space and time rarely form memory, consequently consciousness remains focused in the present. In such animalistic life forms, Death and its eventual possibility is also absent or negligent; thus, only imminent threats are perceivable and possible.

Due to absence of reason or presence of logic death becomes a distant danger to be encountered and overpowered. With memory comes the power to estimate one's future. This is the place where logic comes into play and mind governed by curiosity begins to formulate theories, conceptualise as well as imagine. With observation, reason found certainty in only one thing and that was death. Men became as sure of death as they found the logic of its undesirability. Death is the ultimate threat for mind, which seeks immortality in all its possible aspirations.

In order to defeat death, mind took command over the body. In order to protect it from the certainty of death, mind captivated and enslaved body. It became the dictator that forces down anything and everything that it finds can eliminate the horors of death. Immortality is real in literature, and science seeks to realise the fictions of literature. It must be the only possible explanation of its evolution. From, the industrial age, we reached the age of information, where knowledge is the new king. We live in a new economy, were information is at our finger tips. We can efficiently predict weather and various prospective calamities. We have eventually succeeded in eliminating various reasons of undesirable demise. We have advance medical facilities, which can save lives from the condition beyond redemption only a few years ago. Even the threat of Corona is finally over.

Yet, humanity has failed miserably to resolve death. With its evil side dormant, death becomes our devil, that prompts and provokes us to try and defy death. Foolishly, we have tried generations after generations and now not only death, our economy, our religion, our polity, our society, on family and our own mind has became a threat to the survival of our own kinds.

Mind can imagine unity, but where ever it sees — it finds duality, diversities of duality. First of all, it finds a body and its faith on unity shatters by the blow of logic. Reason decides that body is a pain and nothing but a burden on captive restless mind, controlled and monitored by the fear of death. It forgets to find the connected reality, the truth, the unity, the connection from one to other life-forms — call it anything, God or devil. Does name-calling and curses really work? I haven’t seen a miracle without faith on the Truth, which by its very definition is an indivisible unit, ever undivided and never destructible. Mind tries to define truth and fails, because it can only realise the truth, its vision and its philosophy. Men dictated by logic fails to see the desirability of death. So, it fails to pity the mind and sympathise with its decaying body. As a result, compassion remains a fiction and love becomes cosmetic.

A new trend inspired by the idea of salvation is being tried and tested by the corporate culture. It pretends and enacts compassion — faithless, it fails to love. Even the person bowing down in courtesy hates himself for doing so. There is a nascent violence growing within every rational mind and more often than not it surfaces in our personal everyday lives.

Mind that failed to comprehend unity in truth, fails to find logic in each and every duality it encounters. For a practical life, we need at least three unit to survive any conceptual or imaginary entity. This fact is widely discussed in philosophical forums. Even the modern age thinkers and philosophers validates the efficiency of dialectical methods. We not only need a thesis, but an anti-thesis and a synthesis to find new information with a potential to enrich our knowledge and database. At least three person will be mandatory to safeguard the continuity of our existence as human race — A mother, a father, their child with a possibility of further re-production. Eventually we are meant to share the same blood.

Species after species have vanished into the oblivion of time and space. We know a few that went extinct. We know a few those that are endangered. How do we dare and fail to see that some day may be we can together, all at once, face a calamity or a global catastrophe and as a species we may be extinct, then and there? Is that not enough a reason to find the Gods that lives within our body in form of a peaceful, quite mind that seeks nothing more than it needs?

Yet, mind aspires not only peace but desires prosperity. Prosperity demands abundance, and limited by death, we are forced to find scarcity of something or other, somewhere and sometime. We as humans are not social or political animals, we actually are economical animals, possibly one of its kind. Once we determine scarcity, again death knocks and mind becomes scared enough to fake its expressions as wisdom. Might becomes right! and anarchy becomes the rule. The ethical dilemma of ancient times, typically referred to as “homo mensura” becomes our practical reality, as well as the philosophical tragedy, we encounter in our daily interactions on personal as well as all other levels of experience and reason. Men has been battling death as long as we could remember. Yet, in words of Kant, we learn only one thing from history that we learn nothing from it.

